All Posts

Below you will find all posts.

Add Social Media Links

In order to add social media links to your site, you simply provide us with the full URL for each social network that leads to each of your profiles. For example, for this site, we have pasted four links into the “Social Media Links” property of the site: We will handle all the rest, including finding suitable icons for you — even for more obscure social media platforms. This is the result in the footer of every page:

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Creating Post Summaries

Learn how to create nice post summaries.

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Creating a Page Listing All Posts

A default page for all posts is always created. Let’s define it manually so we can configure it, for example make it part of a menu!

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Creating The Home Page

Since it’s the most important page, let’s create a beautiful home page together.

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Enabling This Theme

Read this post to learn how to enable this theme.

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Creating a Contact Form

Let’s create a contact form so that our potential customers can contact us. We’re happy to integrate any suitable contact form provider with your website. For now, we have integrated Formspree. It’s free for 50 submissions a months and if you are a paying subscriber of the all-inclusive-offer, we will gladly use our paid account to provide you with forms. Simply either sign up for this service and create a new form.

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Creating Menus

There are three menus you can define in this theme. Read this post to learn how to configure them.

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Customizing This Theme

Finally, we’d like to end this tutorial by noting that we’ll happily let you customize this theme even more. Simply let us know and we will see what we can do. 🙂